20 research outputs found

    Design and Synthesis of High Affinity Inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax N-Myristoyltransferases Directed by Ligand Efficiency Dependent Lipophilicity (LELP)

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    N-Myristoyltransferase (NMT) is an essential eukaryotic enzyme and an attractive drug target in parasitic infections such as malaria. We have previously reported that 2-(3-(piperidin-4-yloxy)benzo[b]thiophen-2-yl)-5-((1,3,5-trimethyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)methyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole (34c) is a high affinity inhibitor of both Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax NMT and displays activity in vivo against a rodent malaria model. Here we describe the discovery of 34c through optimization of a previously described series. Development, guided by targeting a ligand efficiency dependent lipophilicity (LELP) score of less than 10, yielded a 100-fold increase in enzyme affinity and a 100-fold drop in lipophilicity with the addition of only two heavy atoms. 34c was found to be equipotent on chloroquine-sensitive and -resistant cell lines and on both blood and liver stage forms of the parasite. These data further validate NMT as an exciting drug target in malaria and support 34c as an attractive tool for further optimization

    An Orally Bioavailable, Indole-3-glyoxylamide Based Series of Tubulin Polymerization Inhibitors Showing Tumor Growth Inhibition in a Mouse Xenograft Model of Head and Neck Cancer.

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    A number of indole-3-glyoxylamides have previously been reported as tubulin polymerization inhibitors, although none has yet been successfully developed clinically. We report here a new series of related compounds, modified according to a strategy of reducing aromatic ring count and introducing a greater degree of saturation, which retain potent tubulin polymerization activity but with a distinct SAR from previously documented libraries. A subset of active compounds from the reported series is shown to interact with tubulin at the colchicine binding site, disrupt the cellular microtubule network, and exert a cytotoxic effect against multiple cancer cell lines. Two compounds demonstrated significant tumor growth inhibition in a mouse xenograft model of head and neck cancer, a type of the disease which often proves resistant to chemotherapy, supporting further development of the current series as potential new therapeutics

    Can we accelerate medicinal chemistry by augmenting the chemist with Big Data and artificial intelligence?

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    It is both the best of times and the worst of times to be a medicinal chemist. Massive amounts of data combined with machine-learning and/or artificial intelligence (AI) tools to analyze it can increase our capabilities. However, drug discovery faces severe economic pressure and a high level of societal need set against challenging targets. Here, we show how improving medicinal chemistry by better curating and exchanging knowledge can contribute to improving drug hunting in all disease areas. Although securing intellectual property (IP) is a critical task for medicinal chemists, it impedes the sharing of generic medicinal chemistry knowledge. Recent developments enable the sharing of knowledge both within and between organizations while securing IP. We also explore the effects of the structure of the corporate ecosystem within drug discovery on knowledge sharing

    Tunnelman luominen tanssiteoksen ilmeeseen

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    Opinnäytetyön teemana ovat lapsuuden painajaiset. Kyseessä on taiteellinen produk-tio, joka tarkastelee painajaisten, katoamisen ja näkymisen teemaa liikekielen, kuvan ja typografian keinoin. Usean kuukauden kestänyt projekti edellytti syvää paneutumista aiheeseen. Työ on saanut vaikutteita musiikin, kirjallisuuden ja elokuvateollisuuden kauhugenrestä. Opinnäytetyön tutkielma käsittelee tunnelman luomista tanssiteoksen ilmeessä. Kirjal-linen osio jakautuu kahteen päälukuun: tanssiteoksen visuaaliseen ilmeeseen ja esityk-seen. Graafiseen ilmeeseen lukeutuvat juliste, käsiohjelma, kutsukortti, notaatio ja In-ternet-sivut. Tanssiteoksen suunnitteluun kuuluvat koreografia, lavastus, puvustus ja äänisuunnittelu. Teoksen tekniseen toteutukseen on saatu apua Kymenlaakson ammat-tikorkeakoulun audiovisuaalisen ilmaisun opiskelijoilta. Työn tarkoituksena oli päästä eroon pimeän peloista ja öisin mielikuviin ilmestyvistä mustista hahmoista. Tutkimukseen on kerätty materiaalia lukemalla kirjallisuutta, haastattelemalla ihmisiä, tutustumalla kauhugenreen ja syventymällä omiin painajaiskokemuksiin. Inspiraation lähteinä ovat erityisesti olleet lähiympäristössä tapahtuneet yliluonnolliset ilmiöt ja kauhutarinat. Lopputuloksena tunnelma ei korostunut ainoastaan konkreettisesti vaan myös aineet-tomasti. Prosessin seurauksena tanssiteokseen syntyi sekä fyysinen tila, jossa kauhu nähtiin, että henkinen tila, jossa kauhu aistittiin. Unien pelkotilat ja pimeässä muodos-tuneet hahmot alkoivat vähitellen kadota, kun turtuminen kauhumaailmaan sai otteen.To begin with, the thesis was inspired by fear. In other words, the theme of the thesis was based on childhood nightmares and traumatic memories. All the words, sentences and images have arisen after two months of paranormal research. The thesis was divided into two parts: the visual identity of the contemporary dance show and the dance performance. A poster, a brochure, an invitation card, a notation and an Internet website were included in the visual identity. Theatrical elements, such as choreography, staging, costumes and sound design were included in the dance per-formance. However, the thesis focuses on describing the atmosphere in the visualiza-tion of the dance performance. The main goal of the process was to release the sensi-tive mind and to get rid of the fear of darkness and imaginary creatures. The material for the thesis was collected by reading literature, interviewing people, experiencing dreams and getting absorbed in the horror genre. The performance was inspired by ghost stories and supernatural phenomena in a real life. The atmosphere highlighted not only in a physical but also in a mental way. Eventu-ally, instead of only one stage, two scenes arose as a result of the process. The first one was regarded as a physical scene where horror was seen. The second one was considered a mental scene where the images of nightmare stemmed from. The fear of darkness alleviated due to the examination of the theme and becoming numb for the genre. Little by little, imaginary creatures came to be regarded as insignificant